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How Does Multi Therapy Work For Hair Loss?

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How Does Multi Therapy Work For Hair Loss?

How Does Multi Therapy for Hair Loss Work?

Multi Therapy For Hair LossOne thing about baldness or a medical hair loss condition is that despite what late-night informercials tell you, there is no “miracle cure” or one-size-fits-all treatment. Because hair loss can be caused and influenced by a number of factors including genetics, medications, lifestyle, illness, stress, diet, poor sleep, autoimmune conditions, inflammation, and more, it is always important to seek out a proper diagnosis from a full-time experienced board-certified Hair Restoration specialist—someone who can provide a “Master Plan” for your hair loss situation as well as to measure and track your progress over time so you know if you are reaching your hair goals with your monotherapy or multi-therapy regimen. What is a multi-therapy regimen? How does multi-therapy work for hair loss and baldness? Find out more about multi-therapy for hair thinning below.

What Doctor is a Hair Loss Specialist?

If you’ve been to your local dermatologist, you might get the feeling that most of their “exam” of your hair was accomplished from across the room and, sadly, that their menu of treatments was limited to what you see on supermarket shelves. While most dermatologists can certainly perform a preliminary hair loss screening and order blood work, effective hair regrowth treatment options are typically provided by physicians who are full-time hair restoration specialists.

HairCheck Baseline Measurements:

What we’ve found is that in the vast majority of patients referred to us with thinning hair problems, the dermatologist did NOT perform a simple, quick, non-invasive baseline HairCheck measurement to determine the percentage of loss in each at-risk area. Measurements performed with HairCheck are critical to know “where you are starting” and also tracking improvements over time. Today, a hair loss physician (and also a Certified HairCoach) will use HairCheck in addition to a variety of other sophisticated tools to objectively examine the scalp and measure your hair’s baseline status and also identify areas of “invisible baldness” not yet visible to the naked eye.

Mono Therapy for Hair Regrowth:

Once a medical hair loss diagnosis is established, a suggested regimen of treatments will be prescribed. Sometimes, depending on the hair loss situation, a single or “monotherapy” regimen, such as topical compounded prescription minoxidil like Compounded Formula 82M Minoxidil, *OR* a powerful at-home laser therapy device such as TURBO LaserCap, *OR* treatment with HD-PRP Platelet Rich Plasma with ECM is prescribed. Measurements of hair regrowth are obtained at three months intervals after starting therapy (i.e., at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months, etc., and so on).

Multi Therapy for Hair Regrowth:

In other cases, a combination of therapies like both Formula 82M Compounded Minoxidil *AND* an at-home laser therapy device may be prescribed in conjunction. At Bauman Medical, we have found that time and time again, patients seem to be more consistent and compliant with a hair regrowth regimen—and therefore receive better hair regrowth results—when a combination of non-redundant therapies are applied together.

What is a Multi Therapy Regimen for Hair Loss?

Some examples of powerful combination multi-therapy regimens that Hair Restoration Physician, Dr. Alan J. Bauman prescribes for hair regrowth include:

  • Topical Compounded Formula 82M Minoxidil -and- LaserCap or Capillus Laser Therapy
  • HD-PRP Platelet Rich Plasma with ECM -and- Topical Compounded Formula 82M Minoxidil
  • Oral Compounded FinPlus Finasteride -and- LaserCap or Capillus Laser Therapy
  • Topical Compounded Formula 82M Minoxidil -and- Oral Compounded FinPlus Finasteride
  • TURBO LaserCap -and- HD-PRP Platelet Rich Plasma with ECM
  • Oral Compounded FinPlus Finasteride -and- HD-PRP Platelet Rich Plasma with ECM

Depending on the results of this regimen and the compliance of the patient, additional therapies may be recommended as needed as hair growth goals are achieved and re-evaluated during the course of treatment.

A Final Word on “Kitchen Sink” Approach:

While many patients are deeply concerned and oftentimes in a “panic” about their hair loss situation, Dr. Bauman discourages a disorganized, “Kitchen Sink” approach when starting a hair regrowth regimen. He has found that starting too many treatments at one time can be confusing and cumbersome to the patient. Dr. Bauman typically recommends a mono or dual multi therapy approach to start with and careful routine monitoring.

Are you a candidate for Multi Therapy for hair loss? Find out by completing a long-distance or in-person consultation with Dr. Alan Bauman!

If you or someone you know has hair loss, hair thinning, baldness, or eyebrow / eyelash concerns, click to start either a long-distance virtual consultation OR an in-person, in-office consultation with Dr. Bauman. You can also Ask Dr. Bauman a Question or simply call Bauman Medical Group  at +1-561-394-0024.

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